Pikelet memories
My earliest memories of making pikelets are of a little me standing on a stool in my Nana's cottage kitchen. It was my job to beat the farm fresh eggs and sugar. I stood eye level with the white glass bowl with large grass green spots. I struggled to keep the wooden handled egg beaters upright, I think they were orange. I wasn't very good at this job, I got frustrated as my arms ached and the beaters slipped around the bowl. I could not beat fast like my Nana could. I remember the sizzle has she put the first pikelets into the pan.
Pikelet memories
My second memory of making pikelets during my childhood was with my cousin, I was maybe about eight years old. I clearly picture the two of us hovering over the frying pan, pikelet batter everywhere. We were both standing on chairs pushed hard up to the large freestanding stove. It was all burnt butter, bad pikelet flipping and giggles. I have no idea where her mother was, I don't think she was home (it was the olden days - her older brother would have been home) We were bored and my cousin, suggested "let's make pikelets". Making pikelets and making mess was something that we would never dream of doing at my house. I remember this day as good old fashioned, children of the seventies, fun. A freedom that our children don't have today.
I guess that's because we could have burnt down the house!
Pikelet memories
Not long after my daughter was born, when we lived in our old house, my Dad started a tradition of pikelets being made whenever he came to visit. One day when he arrived he asked "What have you got to eat?" He always asks that. With a new born in the house, I told him nothing. He said "What about pikelets" So pikelets it was. I hadn't cooked pikelets since high school, but it soon became routine, I would make pikelets whenever Dad came to town for a visit. For some reason we didn't bring this ritual to our new home. So I haven't cooked pikelets in some time.

I pulled some recipe books from the shelf and started cooking. I tried the pikelet recipe from this book, it contained cream. My children found these too floppy, which meant that the pikelets ended up all over the floor and inevitably, there were tears.

I cooked the 'pikelets in a hurry' from this book, but I found this mixture a little thick.

I cooked pikelets 1, pikelets 2 and pikelets 3 out of this book - still not right.

So I came back to my old favourite recipe in my pre-school cookbook. This is the recipe I had cooked during high school and for Dad.

So now I have created new pikelet memories: for my children. They are asking for them often: for afternoon tea or to take along when visiting friends. I love the way their little faces light up with a smile, "how about pikelets mum!"
Beautiful lasting memories of food, love, laughter and sharing.

After flipping and eating many, many pikelets I finally realised why I could not get my pikelets to taste of my memories. It all as to do with the non- stick pan. I have not been cooking my pikelets in butter as I did when I was a child.
So it is your choice to have perfect looking pikelets or ones unevenly brown and tasting of almost burnt butter.
• 2 eggs
• pinch of salt
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1 1/2 cups self raising flour (sifted)
• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 cup milk
In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, salt and sugar until well combined. Add the flour, baking powder and milk and mix until smooth. Use a dessert spoon to drop spoonfuls of the mixture into a hot frying pan (non-stick or greased). When the surface starts to bubble, flip and cook on the other side.
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