For the Mud Cake, I baked this recipe.
The jelly recipes have been adapted from Donna Hay's Kids (Annual #4) Magazine.

Eyeball Jellies
makes 8
• 2 x 85 gram packet red jelly crystals
• 4 white marshmallows (halved)
• 8 smarties
Make the jelly according to the instructions on the packet. Divide the mixture into eight small cups or glasses and allow to cool for 5 minutes before putting into the fridge. Press one smartie into each marshmallow half to make an eye. When the jelly is half set (after about 1 hour in the fridge) gently place the eyeball on top of the jelly. Return to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or until set.
Snakes in Slime
makes 8
• 2 x 85 gram packet green jelly crystals
• 8 snake lollies
Make the jelly according to the instructions on the packet. Divide the mixture into eight small cups or glasses and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Gently place a snake into the jelly and put into the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or until set.
What great fun spooky food you did a great job, very creative