To me, Christmas is all about family and for my family that means, it's all about food.
For as long as I can remember, Christmas morning has been spent in the kitchen. After opening our Christmas presents (of course!)
Our extended family then gathers for lunch, the cooks: my mother, my aunt, my cousin and me always, always! cook way too much food. Every year we try to limit the amount of food we make. But it is not unusual to see a couple of boxes of food coming into the house from each person. I doubt this year will be any different.
In the spirit of my Nana, we cook. We cook to feed our loved ones, to nourish them, to show our love for them and to feed our own souls. For that is who we are. That was who my Nana was.
Things may be quiet around here for a while, but my kitchen will be filled with noise - clattering and chattering. Much food will be shared over the next few weeks as family and friends come and go from our home. When I get a chance, I will come and share a recipe or two. But until then...
Merry Christmas
I wish you and your families a happy and safe holiday season. Happy cooking and happy eating.
(the ultimate Christmas feast - the painting above is a favourite of mine. It is Carl Larsson's 'Christmas Eve')