My life did not settled down this week. In fact it was quiet the opposite.
The fig and walnut bread recipe that is stuck to my fridge did not get made. The annual autumn stock making has not begun. Our usual St Patrick's Day dinner has not been prepared.
It is raining and the weather is cool.
Tonight I am missing the heartwarming Irish fare that we have cooked on so many St Patrick's Days in the past. A family tradition. I am missing my little leprechauns, who are not here tonight. I am missing the laughter and the limericks.
Home alone, I made a simple dinner. Stir-fried wild mushrooms, brussel sprouts and garlic, tossed with baby spinach and rocket and topped with a fried egg and a grating of parmesan cheese. While it was yummy, it wasn't the same as eating Beef cooked in Guinness and colcannon with a table full of people I love.
I'm off to have some ice-cream with chocolate sauce now, I'm sure that will make everything better.
(more recipes coming soon - I promise)