(it's a good thing that everybody loves chocolate self-saucing pudding)
When our babies came along we told ourselves that it would not change our lives too much. We were still going to go out for Vietnamese once a week and still cook curries at home. But I realised quickly that I, like many other mothers before me, would soon be making Shepard's pie and tuna pasta bake. Whether I liked it or not. Breastfeeding babies do not like minestrone soup filled with beans and cabbage, nor do they like red duck curry.
Little by little my cooking style changed to suit the children. You soon discover that a tomato based sauce, with beef mince and six different kinds of pureed vegetables will always be a winner. It will be eaten and it is nutritious. Served it on toast, with rice, in jaffles, add some kidney beans and you have taco's, add some bacon and you have bolognese, add some dried fruit and serve it with cous cous and you have child friendly Moroccan. But after six years, it gets a little tiresome. Yes, sometimes I have pushed the boundaries and have made other things, other things that the kids really loved. But generally I'm tired, we get home late, I'm uninspired.
So the reason for this blog is to inspire myself, to have a reason to make an effort. A couple of weeks ago I made these polish chicken nuggets. My son kept saying 'yummy' I kept asking him what he wanted, he kept telling me he was just saying 'yummy'. I thought that he was saying 'Mummy' as I am so used to him saying "yuck, I don't like this" as I'm sure most 6 year old boys do. At the end of dinner he told me that if I was cooking in a competition that I would be the winner.
He had been sneaking out of bed to watch My Kitchen Rules with me. I think too, that he has been inspired.

With 201 cook books, 146 cooking magazines and a recipe cupboard. Yes you read right, not a recipe folder or recipe drawer, the secret is out: I have a recipe cupboard. Not to mention the internet. I have a fabulous kitchen with lots of wonderful bench space. I have enthusiasm. I have everything that I need to start cooking new and exciting food again.
So lets get cooking.