Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pass the vitamin C please

I have been sick with a dreaded head cold this week and keeping out of my kitchen.

However, I do have big plans for next week.  

I have oranges and mandarins for marmalade

I have chokos for pickles

I have lemons for lemon curd

I have kaffir lime leaves, chillies, galangal and dried shrimp paste to make Thai curry pastes

I have quinces for quince paste

And I have cabbage for sauerkraut.

Oh dear, that is a big list, I do hope I am feeling a little better.


  1. A good list but yes a big list for someone getting over a cold. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Unfortunately all I have made in the kitchen this week has been pesto - and that wasn't even on the list!

      And right now... I'm about to make pikelets:)


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