Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cooking with Oprah

Today on my other blog I did a post about Oprah, so I thought I'd do one here too.

Earlier on in the week I was feeling a little under the weather and decided to turn on Oprah (as she was on my mind) and sit with a cup of tea. I caught the tail end of the show in which she was recapping some of her favourite cooking moments over the years.

I was reminded of the funny segment when the gorgeous Paula Deen was demonstrating how to make her Grandmother Paul's Sour Cream Pound Cake and she dropped the glass dish into the moving Kitchen Aid bowl. You can watch it here. I only know who Paula Deen is because of watching Oprah. I could listen to her accent all day long. I am going to try out her pound cake the next time I am cooking for a large group. Filled with lots of butter, 3 cups of sugar and a cup of sour cream, this I something that has to be shared. I do not want this in my house.

I love what Paula said to Oprah when Oprah asks what she tells health conscious critics:

"I'm your cook, not your doctor"

Everything in moderation I say.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO very much for sharing this I have the broadest smile on my face and little giggles bubbling up after watching this - she really is a treasure.

    xx Felicity


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