Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pork and Eggplant Thai Green Curry

Last night I cooked this thai green curry.

When our (once) thriving chilli bush was heavy with chillies a couple of months ago, I made a couple of batches of green curry paste and froze it in 2 tablespoon qualities. The perfect amount for this recipe.

I was a bit caught up with the excitement of it all and didn't really think that it would be to spicy for the children. I have cooked a few casseroles made with chorizo lately and that has been fine. But as we sat down to dinner, I realised it was too spicy. Never mind, I just gave the kids a cheese sandwich and a carrot for dinner instead.

We loved our curry. I think it has been at least a year since I last made a thai curry, maybe more.

Sorry, I have no idea which curry paste recipe I used to make the green curry paste. Another one of the reasons for this blog: a place to record and be able to find recipes easily, long after I have cooked them.


  1. Looks Good! When are you doing a Yellow Curry?

  2. Mmmm looks tasty. Thai food is something I cook a lot, along with indian, and after reading your blog I think I better make the most of it before we have kids.

  3. Yummmy, thanks for the recipe, I'd love to try it. Just got a thing for Thai food lately.


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