Monday, April 18, 2011

Work in progress

If you have stumbled across this new blog of mine by accident. Hello.

It's a rainy day and I have been happily playing away, setting up my new foodie blog that I have been thinking about for a while now.

It is a work in progress, but please come back to visit after the Easter holidays. There will be pictures, there will be recipes, there will be fanfare!

Until then... happy cooking.


  1. Sounds Good...I am looking forward to following your journey in the Kitchen. Happy Cooking!

  2. I love finding a new blog that is brand new. I love to follow journeys from the start and see what others are thinking. Am loving your posts so far.


Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear what's happening in your kitchen. If you've tried one of my recipes, I'd like to know what you thought? Do you have some advice to make it better? Did you find a mistake? Perhaps it is a new favourite in your home?